IPONICS System Overview.

Iponics is a new Agriculture Technology consisting of a blend of Hydroponics, Aeroponics  & Aquaponics  managed by Artificially Intelligent automation that is suited for every sector from Domestic to Broadscale Farming.
Sensors constantly monitor all aspects of the growing environment & assist natural growth.
Aided by a NIBS 'Network based Intelligent Bus System' that has been specifically developed & programmed for node based decision making. (More on NIBS here).
Aspects including weather forecasts, power costs, real time current water & soil conditions are all combined to control the growing cycles and manage the entire aqricultural process.


Comparison to Conventionally Managed Grow Systems

 Superior Power Management over Manually Operated Systems.

Timer based or bell siphoned drain systems work consistantly at one speed. Day in day out. And irrespective of if they actually need to work at the set rate. Whereas intelligentantly monitored systems not only only use pumps when required for optimal growth oraximised energy consumption they can also control individual aerator or pump speeds to exactly the required parameters. An example is aquaponic or aquaculture aeration. Can't have to much aeration is the conventional dialog. Yes if money or efficiency is no obeject. Iponics on the other hand will maintain oxygen levels to 


 Optimised Temperature Control using Iponics

Temperature Control is one of the most important facets of managing biological processes. For example using an aquaponics system with trout we need to balance the needs of the fish along with the requirements of the nitrifying bacterial and the plants. Too low a temperature and ammonia levels can spike to fatal limits and too high can also can cause excessive stress to the fish.
Iponics can manipulate the parameters to even out temperature excesses.  For example using localised ambient temperature measures along with projected forecasts Iponics can greatly reduce temoerature spikes with minimal power consumption by deploying an array of techniques such as decreasing or stopping grow bed circulation during dangerously low or high temperature periods. It can draw oxygen for aeration from stable temperature points and increase to raise water temperature or conversely to decrease during heatwaves. Grow beds are a very efficient heat exchanger. It can be use to advantage when required. As can aeration or even water circulation sytems such as wave makers. Dumb systems have no such power over their environment with operator intervention. Fancy sitting up all night tweaking your system?


Maintaining Adequate Chemical Balance & Trace Element  Levels.

raditional dumb systems such as aquaponics rely on a chemical balance provided by the fish feeds & external processing of nature according to climatic conditions and human management. Parameters such as PH will naturally spiral downwards over time or spike suddenly with imbalances such as algae blooms. 

Fancy sitting up all night tweaking your system? Or how about postponing your weekend break to babysit a troublesome system? Yes been there, done that.


Scheduled Maintenance Alerts & Stock Tracking 

Iponics systems track hardware components such as aerators, water pumps & dosing pumps etc ,  dosing eds & external processing of nature according to climatic conditions and human management. Parameters such as PH will naturally spiral downwards over time or spike suddenly with imbalances such as algae blooms. 

Fancy sitting up all night tweaking your system? Or how about postponing your weekend break to babysit a troublesome system? Yes been there, done that.